Enter the (testing) pyramid

There is no wonder why automation testing has taken a front seat. There are numerous benefits that we see when we invest time in automation testing (ONCE). The main reason I personally love automated testing is because it helps us to quickly know if something is broken (Fail Fast), makes the dev team keep marching forward and makes team fearless during refactoring.

Anyone who is involved in automation testing might be aware of the below pyramid (Without Mummies) that shows the layers of testing and how, as we climb up the pyramid layers, our tests gets slower in execution and gets expensive too.

Testing Pyramid

In last couple of years I got a privilege to work with multiple teams where I saw almost all teams having knowledge of the testing pyramid and spent good amount of time in automation testing. But, during every code reviews we could also see the efforts put by team were considerable in correcting earlier test cases. Digging further we found few things were not done quite right,

  • Tests that should have been as part of one layer where found in a different layers
  • Not all code was covered in the core modules (How to find core modules?)
  • Redundant tests across layers
  • Test classes were not refactored (Will cover more in another article)

“Automation Testing is a life saviour, ONLY IF ITS DONE RIGHT. If done wrong, it introduces maintainability issues, false positives, consumes more time in correcting tests which overall hampers the productivity of the team.

Why multiple layers?

While working on enterprise software’s, not all test cases can be covered in one layer that is the only reason we need the next layers. So if we can test something in a below layer then lets not test it again in the above layers.

In automation testing the focus should be on coverage. If we could entirely cover in one or more layers then that’s sufficient. For eg: Consider a small product bundled as one exe, we can use only functional testing layer and ignore all other layers. So number of layers changes based on the requirements, intent remains same.

“Starting from bottom layer, find what could not be tested in the layer and then introduce a top layer and have tests around the missing cases”

Best Practices

Let us try to find few best practices that can be used in each layer to keep things clean

Unit Testing Layer: The super fast and cheap

  • Be consistent with naming the test cases, to understand what failed when some test fails. I recommend <MethodName>_<Scenario>_<ExpectedResult>
  • Use Arrange Act Assert syntax in the body
  • Try to get to 100% (at least close to) with Unit Testing. In fact use TDD to cover everything.
  • No test cases on private functions. Private function called within public functions should be tested by calling the public functions only.
  • Have ways to check the coverage while developing (a simple command line generating coverage results and showing non covered lines).
  • Body of the test cases should be small. If test cases are getting bigger, refactor the class.
  • The test class should change only if there is a change in the class under test. So, mock everything outside the class.
  • Create wrappers and interfaces for OS calls like DateTime, FileSystem etc so that edge cases can be written around them.
  • Create wrappers and interfaces to convert asynchronous operations to synchronous to avoid waiting (Thread.sleep) before assertions.

Functional Testing Layer: The Requirements Verifier

  • When stories are groomed with the team, and PO’s define the functional requirements and architects define the technical requirements, both should be converted to Given-When-Then syntax that will be the test cases in this layer.
  • PO’s should be able to see this layer and understand what is being done and help team to refine test cases. Hence, use Ubiquitous language.
  • The test class should change only if there is a change in this component under test. So, mock everything else outside the component.
  • Test for negative flows only at the boundaries with mocks (eg: if infra is down and web api gets a request), since negative flows within the component is taken care in Unit Testing.
  • If testing web api’s also assert the response structure to indicate if team has introduced any breaking changes and needs a api version update
  • Reuse wrappers created in Unit Testing Layer.

Integration Testing Layer: The Infrastructure Verifier

  • Primary test cases should be around “When real infrastructure like Containers, DB, Message bus, Auth etc are provided is the component using the infrastructure and preforming its job as expected or not?”
  • Example1: Passing correct and wrong auth token should give 401 or 200 in case of web api , confirms that auth infrastructure is used correctly.
  • Example2: In a web api call POST and assert GET results to see if data is stored in database correctly or not.

System E2E Layer: The End User

  • Primary test cases should be around the end users scenario.
  • If end user will be using UI then have UI tests.
  • If end user will be using API then have API tests.
  • In case of enterprise software, the tests should onboard customers and run the end user scenarios and delete the onboarded customers which also suggests having onboarding/deboarding process through API’s.

Cheat Sheet

Test LayerBranchIntent of TestingTesting ScopeWhat to Mock?Testing syntax
Unit Testing (Dev machine & Build Machine)Feature BranchDoes the public function work for ALL positive and negative scenarios?Public Methods/FunctionsEverything external to the classArrange
– Mock others for asserting right.
– Initiate class and inject mocks.
– On Public functions.
– For Every detail.
– On Return values.
– On calls going outside the class.
– For datetime test in between days, weeks, months and years.
Functional testing (Dev machine & Build Machine)Feature BranchAre all the scenarios/Business case met?
How does this component behave even when any external dependencies are down?
Component (Service, Web API, DLL, JAR etc.)Everything external to the Component
(Infrastructure like DB and Message Bus, other services etc.)
– Mock infrastructure/ other service calls.
– Initiate the component and inject / Override with mock.
– Trigger the scenario ( Call Web API/Invoke event in case of EDA).
– Assert if relevant calls are made to repositories for read-write / calls to message client for publishing new event (EDA).
Integration Testing
(Post Deploying to Dev environment)
Feature BranchIs the component working when real instances of Infrastructure are provided?Component (Service, Web API, DLL, JAR etc.)
Infrastructure – Database, message bus, Auth
– Set Prerequisites before the call
– Trigger the component scenarios
– Assert sync/async responses
System Testing (After any new deployments in a bounded context)Master/ TrunkIs the End to End Business case working when all services are up and runningBounded Context (Multiple services, containers and dependent infrastructures)NothingGiven
– Set Prerequisites before the call
– Onboard customers if its part of business process
– Trigger the end users scenarios
– Assert end user expectations
– Deboard if onboarded

Happy Learning


Is Duplication really Evil?

From our early days of coding we have always learnt duplication is BAD and it is so true. It decreases the quality of the code. Team’s have to remember all the places where similar functionalities exist and enhance/fix code at all the places. Since its a manual process to remember things at multiple places most of the newbies who are not well equipped with the code usually fixes the code in only few of the parts, breaking the system in some scenarios.

But in recent year with DDD getting popular we are hearing more often that duplication is not as evil as we thought and its necessary to have duplication in certain scenarios to have clean microservices and building an autonomous teams.

In my last article we extracted domain services from requirements and we got to a completely different set of services as shown below.

Now the service dealing with payments will have a customer entity that will have customer ID and payment options of the customer, while shipping service will have another customer entity that will have customer ID with shipping details of the customer. In DDD, such boundaries where duplicate entities can exists is termed as “Bounded Context” in DDD.

One of the key practices to follow in DDD is to agree upon a “Ubiquitous Language” where domain experts, developers and users mean exactly same thing when talking about a model. In our example the domain experts, developers and users when talking about customer within shipping context would primaraly mean the delivery or pickup address, delivery type etc.


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Extracting services from requirements

When we start working on a new product requirements (every developers dream), usually we have several discussions with the stakeholders to understand the requirements better, then document and start with designing the system. And mostly with my experience I have seen after few years from the start of the product we start feeling that somethings could have been designed a bit differently. This usually happens with almost 100% of the products out there, but the magnitude of the emotion matters. Are we talking about refactoring or revamping. Refactoring is part of every product life cycle and should be done frequently to keep the product healthy. But revamping the system and starting building new will have a huge impact on the entire business.

So are there any best practices that we can follow from the start that can help us avoid revamping the architecture down the line. Good news is there are quite a few.

Lets take an example to get more clarity. Imagine a online retail domain (Not really the domain that I have worked so far, but let me give a try) where customers registers themselves, selects products, makes payment and gets the products delivered to their homes. The business process of the company will have key components like CRM, Inventory, Payments, Shipping etc.

We can design this in different ways

Approach 1 – Entity services based approach

In this approach we start thinking of entities that we have in our domain in this example we can say Customer, Product and Inventory as our major entities and can design a DB and services around these entities that will look something like below. When the time comes to write a business process for this domain every services would require some aspects of these entities to perform and action and will eventually end up in all services knowing everything about all the entities.

Is this bad? I guess so. There are few concerns with this style of designs are

  • Tight coupling between services that creates dependencies in between teams for feature development and releases
  • All services will know more than what they really need i.e. Do we really need customer address during payment, or payment details during shipping?
  • If any model changes the impact is very huge on the overall system
  • Multiple routes to serve different services will complicate API’s maintainability
  • Cannot scale based on business needs but would scale based on entity

Approach 2 – Domain services based approach

In this approach we try to understand the domain and business process and then define our services and entities. The best way to know about the domain is to start with anti-requirement with domain experts.

In this example we may ask the following questions to know more about what the domain experts feels on these properties?

  • How customer payment details are related to customer address?
  • How price is related to quantity of the product?

if domain experts cannot find any relationship between them then keep them seperate. And we can see this model looks quite different than what we had got with entity based approach.

Domain services gives us a lot of benefits as compared to entity services.

  • They are the right fit for Microservices architecture since they create autonomous teams with services that are focused and single responsible.
  • The Api’s around these services have clean interfaces and can be understood more clearly.
  • Since every services owns the data they require, they can be scaled easily and usually more performant.
  • Reduces release dependency and new feature dependency in between different teams.

Happy Coding
